Thursday, September 13, 2007

And So, It Begins...

I wouldn't say this is actually the novel I wanted to create, but it is the title. However, I can do that now. See the problem with being normal is that it isn't. Normal. I mean what is the definition of the word? Normal means: the usual state, amount, or degree. It means average. Or it can be defined in math as a perpendicular.
Society would say that it means boring and something to be avoided. Because as we all want to fit in, we all want to stand out and be noticed for something. And the more that we try to be noticed, the higher the bar of normal is raised. So can one actually survive a state? Is it really something to be avoided. Do you think that having this affliction would be something you could try to get out of. Many people feel they want to achieve "normal", but spend all their time avoided that true state of average.
Let me just say that upon this whole process of mentioning this little word, that I do consider myself to be "normal". No addictions to drugs, alcohol, food, sweets, sex, or otherwise. This is why people think that normal is boring. But likewise I don't deal with unwanted lawsuits, bankrupcy, broken relationships, hate filled relationships, stressed out jobs, untold losses, unrealized achievemenst or even being unloved and disliked. I could further say that though the bar to which I rest my chin does not exceed the commonalty of most, I far reach above most people who avoid being normal. I would say that I do have realized dreams to which I still reach towards, disappointments of such expectations unachieved, and of course fond wishes to obtain financial excess. But again, this is a "normal" human condition which all of humanity suffers. What they do about it is what differs.
So My basic thought is that in being "normal" I am actually not. By being hopefully of tomorrow being better than today, I know that it will because I only see it as such. So while other people take uppers and downers to forget the past and block out the future, I will relish the utter feelings of everything. Because to be normal means to live in the now. "Be here now".
That is just the first of many ramblings that start at the beginning, before Chapter 1. My characters are just starting to take shape. I can see one very clearly. And so I have other things to distract me for today and I go off to do them...goodbye!

1 comment:

Lilli & Nevada said...

Well i just found your blog, so thought i would say hello and well looking forward to hearing about your book that your going to write. So you say go west young man, well it is a great place to live for sure.